Your fellow Houzz users need your help! Share your creative ideas for splitting and connecting dining/living areas, designing a comfortable family kitchen or deciding upon an exterior trim. Pay attention to the week’s leading design dilemmas and post your ideas, please!
Houzz Design Dilemmas
1. How can my living room transition to surrounding rooms ?
“that I think I have the smallest, most embarrassing living area in the world! I adore the rest of our little’50s era house, but this room isn’t functioning at all — regardless of how many countless times that I rearrange it. It opens to the dining area and has a view of the kitchen… that I am ready to purchase all new furniture, paint, rearrange, add built-ins, accessorize — anything! I’d like thoughts on what I could do in order to work with, not against, the windows, traffic flow, and proximity to the dining area… Please assist!” Click here to answer.
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Houzz Design Dilemmas
2. How can I split my dining/living place without breaking them up?
“I have a living / dining room space. The dining area is being used as my workplace. This portion of the room is two stories and is currently a blank wall. The entrance to the kitchen is about this particular wall. I’m considering placing a glass doorway to split up the 2 rooms. But that would most surely cut off this room. I’m attempting to keep the room as light and airy as you can, but the furniture is heavy. White bookcases appeared to contrast against the desk badly. A dim book / display situation would seem to be oppressive. Additionally, I can discover a light fixture to cover the desk. Any help will be greatly appreciated” Click here to answer.
Houzz Design Dilemmas
3. What’s the best way to look for a comfortable kitchen for a household?
“Hi All. We only got a house and are mimicking our kitchen the floor plan is attached. In the event that you were building this kitchen just how would you design it?” Click here to answer.
Houzz Design Dilemmas
4. The way to create counterspace between the kitchen and living room?
“Here are some images of this galley kitchen that we’ll be renovating. I had been hoping to get ideas for more space between the living area and kitchen. Is this space big enough to build to an island or are there other suggestions? We’re extremely open to ideas as we are gutting this area” Click here to answer.
Houzz Design Dilemmas
5. What color to paint the accents of the tan colored rental house?
“I need help with the exterior house paint color. This is a rental and we can simply repaint the trim color, which nauseously is called peanut butter. The base color is similar to an almond butter color with a yellow price, but sometimes when I stare at it notice a pink price. First, what color accent would you use? Second do you do all of the beautiful squares one color or use three complementary colors? Thirdly, we need to depart the roof line painted in that dreadful gold therefore it needs to be something that will wed with this palette. We’re thinking a taupe/mushroom, a gentle sage, or stone/parchment…. please advise!” Click here to answer.